January 29, 2025
Every year for the last 19 years, we’ve run a fun, free sweepstake to guess the total tonnes of winegrapes harvested in New Zealand. Would you like to be part of it?
Most of us have tried and failed to work out what is going to happen to the vineyard side of the NZ wine industry. There are many factors to this that can throw even the most knowledgeable punter off: Flowering? Frost? Wind? Drought? Water availability? That awful, wasteful, but quality-improving practice of harvesting to the ground? That’s for the experts, but YOU have just as good a chance of predicting our total harvest.
Why should I? There’s a beautiful, crinkly $100 note in it for you!
Who: You or your winery should be on the WineWorks newsletter database,
be one of our supplier mates, or be in our WineWorks team.
What: Make your unique guess/estimate/bold prediction of this year’s tonnage, somewhere between 300,000 and 700,000 that New Zealand will harvest this vintage. If someone else has already guessed your exact number, your guess will be raised or lowered by a few hundred tons.
When: write your guess/ into the form below this notice by Friday 28th February.
What’s the catch? None – this is just a bit of fun
Give it a go by writing your name and estimated tonnage on this webform
To give you a hand, here’s the history of the last 10 vintages:
Then what? Closest to NZ WineGrowers published tonnage (due out round mid-June) wins. If you predict it exactly, you’ll get a crisp $100 note, personally delivered by our founder, Tim. This year we are doubling the prize money, and there will be a $100 note for the WineWorks entrants, and another $100 note for our clients. You’ll be notified where you sit in the entries after the entries close.